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Work with us


We are open to collaborations in research, creating educational programs at the intersection of urbanism, art, architecture, ecology, and performative practices dedicated to the memory of place, and creating collective interdisciplinary educational exhibitions.

Workshops, Masterclasses, Lectures, Seminars for Museum Institutions

We have packaged our experience into a method and are ready to share our practices of effectively engaging the audience in creating museum exhibitions, as well as creating interactive multimedia content and storytelling.

Creating Residencies and Educational Programs

We develop interdisciplinary educational programs for institutions and in collaboration with institutions, focusing on creating social impact, raising awareness of various social challenges, and addressing current cases of the institution or specific community.

Creating Visual Narratives and Developing Exhibition Concepts for Socially Significant Themes

Curating Interdisciplinary Exhibitions

We develop concepts for exhibitions and can also design the exhibition.

Creating Installations in Urban Environments

We develop concepts and design installations for urban environments.