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The district chronicles

The first exhibition that opened nonmuseum of architecture - it was about the context of the place through the lens of architecture, the history of repression, and civic participation (citizens' opposition to demolitions and protest against the reconstruction of a branch of the former NKVD building)


The exhibition brought together architects,
documental photographers, and local historians.

We tested the format of a participatory exhibition and the creation of an alternative historical narrative, involving architects, documentary photographers and makers, who for the first time participated in the creation of collective content for an multidisciplinary exhibition united by one broad theme.

It is noteworthy that the set frame made it easy for the participants to do so, but at the same time they could choose their own format of presentation within the framework of the tools and media they worked with as professionals
Therefore, the exhibition had an informal and educational aspect, both for the participants themselves, who were doing something like this for the first time, and for the visitors, with whom the facilitators worked, helping them to discover their own reading of the district's history through the exhibition