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The first participatory exhibition initiated by a group of architects who came to the "Chronicles of the district" exhibition and were inspired by the fact that in the [non]museum space alternative historical narratives are invited to be told, and that it is possible to get support and organise their own exhibition. In a free format - the most important thing was to have the desire and resources to organise it together with the curator of the space.

The initial concept was related to revealing the history of medieval cities of Kazakhstan, but after the post-group brainstorming sessions a new concept related to rethinking the history of the building and the repressions taking place in it through art was born
This is how the idea of a site-specific art installation that reinterpreted the history of repression through the prism of the former NKVD building came to life. The art installation invited visitors to partially live this experience and to reflect on what makes us free.

The poppy flower growing in the animation through the window of the facade of the NKVD building is a vivid metaphor of freedom, which can sprout even in prison thanks to art. And, in fact, the art that gives freedom of expression, freedom to choose one's own path, which begins in the imagination. Above the entrance to many Nazi concentration camps, including Auschwitz, hung the phrase "Arbeit macht frei", which in German means "Labour liberates".

The art installation "Köktem Shaqyrady" reinterprets this expression in a life-affirming way, which is read in the context of the heart of repression in Kazakhstan as "Art makes a man free"


Visitors feedback


Islam Kuanysh  - architect
Nadira Zhadyraeva - architectural designer and artist
Raim Tair - IT specialist

Aruzhan Shotay - animation artist
Kristina Klimova - author of soundscape installation

Zamanbek Mukasali - technical producer of [non]museum of architecture, maker
Yuri Afanasiev - maker
Adil Azhiev - architectural designer, administrative support of the [non]museum of Architecture space
Anel Moldakhmetova - creative producer, curator of the [non]museum of Architecture space