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The exhibition "снести нельзя оставить" (snesti nelzya ostavit) was the culmination of the project of the same name, which also included the development of an interactive visual novel based on the methodology of real cases on the preservation of architectural heritage, initiated by the group "Archcode Almaty". The exhibition included collective video art - a manifesto, a telegram bot, key stages of visual novel development, bureaucratic ping-pong, a fence and others.

The most unique feature of the exposition was that the team emphasized the process of creating a short story, revealing its anatomy in detail, which is not a common practice for creative communities in Almaty. This reflects the main mission of the [non ]museum of Architecture - to erase the boundaries between the visitors, the curator and the project team, making the site's narratives more accessible, as well as inviting visitors into a close dialog.

The fence is a kind of prologue and at the same time a key visual element of the novella and the
exhibition. This is a bit of a paradox, as the
fence in the novella was originally intende as a symbol of opacity, but the trick is tha even in the game, the character has a choice to look behind it or walk past it.

Photos by Ayan Yenbekbay

The fence is not a barrier, but rather invites close interaction, expressing one's opinion about what is going on in the form of inscriptions and announcements.
This reflects very well one of the important values of [not] a museum of architecture - engaging visitors in creating a collective experience through attending events, escapades and play.

The project is also notable for the fact that almost all of its stages, from scripting, storyboarding, character discussion to creating a zine for the exhibition, were educational. The team members became co-authors of the novel, learning from each other about different media and programs in the process of working together.

Photos by Ayan Yenbekbay

Remarkably, the exhibition ended up being more than just an exhibition about the anatomy of the short story. The exhibition emphasized the theme of the right to memory and the right to heritage, which was expressed in a video manifesto voiced by the voices of the team members.

In fact, the project incorporated almost all the methodology, approaches and principles of the [non]museum of architecture space, which has always put informal civic education as one of the main goals of the site.

The peculiarity of the format of participatory teamwork implies, first of all, the trust of the project participants in each other and responsibility - and these are the key values of the [non]museum of architecture space.

Visitors feedback

Anel Moldakhmetova (gray coordinator) -.
Creative production of the project

Inzhu Sydykova - Script, architecture
game and telegram bot

Nadira Zhadyraeva - Visual narrative,
illustration, design, animation, character design

Aruzhan Shotay - Visual Narrative,
illustration, design, animation, background artist

Yaroslav Samoilov - Web development
telegram bot

Ayan Yenbekbay - Game and website web development

Zamanbek Mukasali - Technical
production and exhibition design

Yulia Petukhova - Sound design

Nazym Zhiyengalieva - Volunteer work